
Your job is to live the abundant life that God has designed for you. My job is to help you do that.

I’m on a assignment to teach and guide people through God’s original design for health & healing.

  • All sickness and disease is the work of the devil - not God! God is not our problem, He is our help!

  • It’s always God’s will that you be healed - I repeat, ALWAYS!

  • Divine healing is the right and of every Christian.

  • Honoring God with the foods we eat is a responsibility of every Christian.

  • Taking care of our bodies is a responsibility of every Christian.

allow me to provide you with the knowledge, resources, and support you’ll need, to live out god’s design for your life!

Ebony Jenkins,Nurse Practitioner Ebony,How to decrease sugar,Chronic conditions,sugar and carb addiction,christian health coach,Christian Health and Nutrition,Health coach,Supplements for sugar cravings ,Christian Nutrition,Christian Health

What does ebony do?

I help Christian’s go from diseased and dying, to healed and thriving!

Ebony Jenkins,Nurse Practitioner Ebony,How to decrease sugar,Chronic conditions,sugar and carb addiction,christian health coach,Christian Health and Nutrition,Health coach,Supplements for sugar cravings ,Christian Nutrition,Christian Health

meet your wellness partner

Hi, friend! I’m Ebony.

I am a Board Certified Family Nurse Practitioner, Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner, and Christian Wellness Expert.

I am a small town Mississippi girl, who loves slices of pecan pie, pound cake, bacon, & MORE BACON. However, while trying to improve my own health, it became very clear to me, why so many people are sick, despite the advances in pharmaceutical and medical technology. I saw first hand, the lies & subtle layers of deception that the food and medical industries advertise & teach.

In 2022, The Lord started to reveal to me that he wanted me to prepare to pivot my business and career to honor Him. At that time, I began to take small steps of obedience, without the full revelation of what this really meant. By the end of 2023, I was walking confidently in the prophetic and preparing to lead a Health & Divine Healing Ministry!

I am on assignment edify and empower believers to live healthier lives, with Christ centered dietary, health, and wellness education - worldwide. I provide others with insight, instructions, and guidance to improve their physical and spiritual wellbeing, under the leading of the Holy Spirit.

let’s work together

Join one of my FREE trainings or LIVE challenges, & follow me on social media today!


My FREE online education & LIVE trainings are the perfect way to begin your health journey, with a Christian wellness & nutrition expert! Exclusive group and 1:1 nutrition coaching is offered after each LIVE training session, by invitation only.


fun facts

Get To Know Me

I stopped drinking soda in 2012, and herbal tea is the only caffeinated beverage I drink regularly.

I started to remove pork from my diet in 2017, and I’ve been 98% pork free since this time.

I follow the 80/20 (or 90/10) rule, eating a diet very low in added sugars and ultra processed foods.

 Friends don’t let friends feel less than amazing.

So, now that we’re friends…